Proposed (rough) itinerary
9.00am Start from Guildford Station, road to Bramley
9.30am Off-road to Bramber on 'Downs Link'
12.30pm Shoreham by bridleway, road to Brighton
1.00pm Lunch in Brighton
3.00pm Return by same route or return home by train
6.30pm Bramley
7.00pm Guildford
There are a few variables...
I have done the ride on a mountain bike and a cyclocross single-speed but you could also use an old fashioned 'rough stuff' or touring bike providing the tyres had some grip and you took the guards off.
If we detour from Guildford to St Martha's Hill, the start of the Downs Link, I think it will rule out any bike but a MTB and will add a lot of time in. I don't think it is necessary to the day but let me know your thoughts.
I need people's opinions on whether we should try and book anywhere up. It will depend on numbers and whether any want to drive down to meet us in Brighton and just meet for the meal.
Members who would like to drive down could, potentially, have a few places in cars for people who don't want to cycle back or have had too enthusiastic a lunch!
It would good to know how many are interested, I will put up a 'closing date' a few weeks before.
There is a good pdf file with Downs Link mapping available from www.westsussex.gov.uk/leisureandtourism/prow/pdfs/DownsLinkRouteGuide.pdf
The day is a 'work in progress' so your comments will be welcome.
well done Steve. Sounds an excellent day out with lots of options . Thanks for you efforts